Accessibility at the Israel Aquarium
Parking - there is parking for disabled guests near the Aquarium entrance.
Pathways - there is full accessibility along the parking area, entrance, hallways, and along the entire aquarium tour track.
Entrances - entrances are accessible.
Accessible restrooms - there are accessible restrooms at the Aquarium entrance, as well as along the tour track.
Assistive technologies for the hearing impaired - the LOOP system for the hearing impaired supports the T-setting, and there is guidance available for groups using earphones.
Visually impaired - the Aquarium has low lighting, and sections are relatively dark.
The snack bar is accessible to people with disabilities.
You can contact the Aquarium by phone at 073-3399000 or by email: or fax: 073-3399092.
The staff undergoes annual accessibility training.
The staff is ready to provide visitors with any assistance needed.
Visiting with the aid of service dogs or other service animals is permitted.
Accessibility Services
• All organization employees providing customer service have undergone training for provision of services to people with disabilities and have received the tools to provide service related to accessibility and accommodating visitor requests on the topic of accessibility.
• Accessibility arrangements are built into the facilities.
• Phone reception is accessible through recorded information spoken clearly and without background music.
Accessible Website
• Accessibility adjustments have been made to the website, ensuring that people with disabilities and the elderly may use the site at the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as all site visitors.
• The website meets the requirements of the Equal Rights Regulations for People with Disabilities (accessibility adjustments to service), 2013, and has been adjusted in accordance with recommendations by Israeli standards (5568).
• Adjustment has been made in accordance with requirements of the W3C organization to level 2 (AA) and was built according to W3C standards for CSS and HTML web coding.
• The website is compatible with various web browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, Edge) including use on smartphones. The site is checked by the most up-to-date version of the NVDA screen reader.
• Have you experienced a problem? Let us know.
• We do our best to maintain the website at the highest level. If you find or experience any difficulty in your website experience.
regarding accessibility, please don’t hesitate to report it to us through the contact us form So that we may address the problem in the most efficient way, please include as much detail as possible:
- Description of the issue
- Type and version of the web browser
- Operating system
- Type of assistive technology (if you used one)
- Which page did you visit?
- What action were you trying to perform?
- We will address the problem and update you on how we corrected it.
Contacting the Accessibility Coordinator
If, in the course of your visit to the zoo’s website, you encountered difficulty with regard to accessibility, the zoo’s accessibility team is at your service through various channels for your inquiry in this matter. We will be happy to receive your feedback.
Contact information for the accessibility coordinator:
Name: alon levi
Tel: 0733399000
Mailing address:
P.O.b 26120 Jerusalem 9126002
For answers to your questions regarding accessibility and recommended walking routes, please call 02-6750111.
Sharing Feedback
We encourage feedback from our users. If, in the course of your visit to the website, you encountered a specific problem with regard to accessibility, weare happy to receive your feedback via email:

The Gottesman Family Israel Aquarium, Jerusalem
1 Aharon Shulov, Jerusalem
P.O. Box 898, Jerusalem 91008
Tel: 073-3399000 Fax: 073-3399092
Opening hours:
Sun-THU 09:00-18:00 Fri and holiday eve 09:00-16:00, Sat and holiday 09:00-18:00